We Don't Just Brand, We Augment

Transforming Visions into Digital Masterpieces, curated in the Heart of LA.

Transforming Visions into Digital Masterpieces, curated in the Heart of LA.


At Universe AR in Los Angeles, we approach every project with a purpose-built team of creative specialists, each an expert in their category.

Our passion for art and culture, coupled with a deep understanding of audience preferences and years of hands-on experience with emerging technologies, drives our success.

At Universe AR in Los Angeles, we approach every project with a purpose-built team of creative specialists, each an expert in their category.


  • Innovation in brand presence

    New digital platforms



creative strategy
  • Catalog of products and services

    Web design

    Brand identity

    Graphic design and video editing


    UX/UI Design

branding development
  • Augmented Reality

    Digital Fashion

    Artificial Intelligence content

    Landmark Experiences

2D and 3D design Augmented reality Artificial Intelligence


Leafwell is our client at Universe AR.
We developed the KAIND technological candle brand from scratch.
Universe AR brought Nina Chanel's latest NFT collection to augmented reality in a collaboration with Meta for Miami Art Week.
Universe AR, the augmented reality agency, has been actively engaged in numerous collaborative projects with Samsung.
We develop an augmented reality filter for the reality show “Dance monsters” in which users can demonstrate their dancing skills while accompanied by the animated figures of the series and show all their creativity on the TikTok platform.
Universe AR, the augmented reality agency, has been actively engaged in numerous collaborative projects with Snatpchat.
SOFIA CARSON is our client at Universe AR.
AVON is our client at Universe AR.
Universe AR, the augmented reality agency, has been actively engaged in numerous collaborative projects with DisneyMusic.
Universe AR, the augmented reality agency, has been actively engaged in numerous collaborative projects with PlayStation.


Try our AR filters from your smartphone

We formulate strategies that define the brands of our partners, pushing the boundaries of human experience in a digital-first world.